How to install TortoiseSVN, Delphi, ZeOS components, and everything a developer needs to compile the EYDAP branch of Hydrognomon.
Install Delphi
- Find the license certificate card for the user who will use Delphi (it’s in the Software Licenses dossier).
- Logon as the user who will use Delphi.
- Insert the Delphi 7 Studio Architect CD.
- From the product list, select Delphi 7.
- Follow instructions as prompted; select typical installation; allow it to configure Windows to use Just-in-time debugger; unselect VisiBroker/CORBA support; choose Office XP controls; unselect Interbase Client; allow it to save installation database to the hard drive.
- When installation finishes and you are back at the product list, choose InstallShield Express and perform the installation, accepting all defaults.
- Close all installation windows, but leave the CD in.
- Go to O:\Sources\Development\Delphi Updates\Delphi 7, run d7_arch_upd1_1.exe, and allow it to install.
- Remove the CD. Return the CD and the license certificate card at the place where you found them.
- Start Delphi. When it asks you, tell it that you want to register using your Internet connection. Select “I want to use an existing Software Registration Account”. Enter your username or email address and password. You don’t need a proxy. (If after registration it still shows as Unregistered, restart Delphi.)
Update Rave
Update Rave from O:\sources\Development\Rave\rave_be_5_0_8.exe.
Install TortoiseSVN
- Download and install the latest version of TortoiseSVN. Accept all defaults for the installation.
Install the ZeOS components
- Unzip O:\Sources\Development\ZeosDBO\ to a local directory (or via…; see also remote access).
- Copy lib\postgresql\libpq73.dll to C:\Windows\System32 (this file also needs to be deployed with the application).
- With Delphi, open (File, Open project) packages\delphi7\zeosdbo.bpg.
- In the project manager, right-click on each of the following items, in that order, and select install: ZCore.bpl, ZParseSql.bpl, ZPlain.bpl, ZDbc.bpl, ZComponent.bpl.
- File, Close All.
- Delete the local directory to which you unzipped zeosdbo.
Install the EC Software Help Suite
- Either download from or get it from “O:\Sources\Development\EC Software Suite”. Unzip it, run setup.exe, and allow it to install.
- With Delphi, open (File, Open project) C:\Program Files\Borland\BDS\3.0\ehs\ehs_d7.dpk; click Install; Close All.
Install Thelma, Louise, and Kastalia
Pay special attention to what is bold below, or you may get confused.
- Check out thelma 2006 branch, louise 2006 branch, and kastalia head (see subversion instructions).
- With Delphi, open (File, Open project) thelma\source\thelma.dpk; click Compile; Close All.
- Open thelma\src\thelmadsgn.dpk; click Install; Close All.
- Open louise\source\louise.dpk; click Compile; Close All.
- Open louise\source\louisedsgn.dpk; click Install; Close All.
- Open kastalia\source\castalia.dpk; click Compile; Close All.
- Open kastalia\source\castaliadsgn.dpk; click Install (you may need to click Compile first); Close All.
Check out Hydrognomon
Check out hydrognomon 2006 branch. You should now be able to compile it with no problems. Note that hydrognomon has other dependencies as well (to be added to this text later); these can be found in its readme_gr.txt file. It compiles without them, but it might have some trouble at runtime.